Muslim Scientists
Pages: 125
New Scarf Collection!
Recieved the book at the same time as "Before Nicea" a bit late.
It is important to be informed of those who really contributed to science after others have claimed the glory for the science inspired by tve literacy created by the learning to read and write the Al-Quran.
I went to school in Malaysia and the history syllabus was colonial. We were taught that "the Muslims passed on the kmowledge of the the Greeks to the Europeans". No mention of the advances and development of this knowledge and the creation of new. There was no notion of give credit wherd credit is due. The house of knowledge in Bhagdad never mentioned.
Muslim Scientists and similar books are very important to put history right and let the Muslim youth know that they are a not adherants of a backward religion that preches lies and falsehoods in every aspect of religion and history.
Bernt David Brennan @ Mohammad Daud