This is a New (2012) modern English translation when compared to previous English translations of Kanz ul Iman. This version was initiated by Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hazarvi. This publication has a good binding and has been printed on good quality cream coloured matt paper. It comes in a big A4 size, but is not too heavy to handle.
Whilst their is no substitute to reading the Arabic and learning to understand it, or to understand and grasp the sheer depth of knowledge and brevity of AlaHadrat's urdu masterpiece, this translation is probably the best available of the ''English'' Kanz Ul Iman's.
The Ayat (Qur'anic verse) and English translation are both on the same page (side by side) for easy reference. Both the Arabic and English texts are printed in clear bold fonts to enable good vision and ease of use. See image below for layout.
This is a New (2021) modern English translation when compared to previous English translations of Kanz ul Iman. This version was initiated by Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hazarvi. This publication has a good binding and has been printed on good quality cream coloured matt paper. It comes in a big A4 size, but is not too heavy to handle.
Whilst their is no substitute to reading the Arabic and learning to understand it, or to understand and grasp the sheer depth of knowledge and brevity of AlaHadrat's urdu masterpiece, this translation is probably the best available of the ''English'' Kanz Ul Iman's.
The Ayat (Qur'anic verse) and English translation are both on the same page (side by side) for easy reference. Both the Arabic and English texts are printed in clear bold fonts to enable good vision and ease of use. See image below for layout.
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, May Allah be pleased with him. This great jurist and learned scholar of Islam was born in 1858 at Bareilly (India), and subsequently departed from this world in 1921. He was considered to be the most learned and authentic authority on Qur’an, Sunnah and jurisprudence by the overwhelming majority of muslim’s in the Sub-continent. He was a prolific writer and authored approximately one thousand (1,000) books on varying levels of Islam. He devoted his entire life to the propagation of faith and the blessed traditions of the Beloved Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. His main theme and focus was his devoted love of Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and his Final Messenger Muhammad, Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam. He could bear anything except for utterances against Islam, Allah, subhanahu wa Ta’ala, or any of His Messengers. He was a traditionalist and a true follower of the school of Imam al-Azam Abu Hanifa, Radi Allahu ta’ala anhu. He was a great mystic too and was a staunch lover of al-Ghawth al-A’zam Sayyadina ash-Shaykh Abd’ al-Qadir al-Jilani, Radi Allahu ta’ala anhu, of Baghdad shareef & 'Khawaja-e-Khawjagan' Muin al-Din Hasan Chisti al-Ajmeri, Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu.
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's religious works had no parallel in his time. His ability, foresight, and depth of knowledge had been recognised by the Ulemas’ & Muftis of all the four schools of fiqh (jurisprudence) not only of the sub-continent but of the Haramayn Sharifain and other Muslim regions too. He was awarded certificates of recognition by the great teachers of Islamic learning when he visited the Haramayn Sharifain after performing Hajj (Pilgrimage) in the beginning of 20th Century. Though he has written numerous works, his two most famous works are the translation of the Noble Qur’an in Urdu (Kanzul Iman) and Fatawa-e-Razwiyyah in many large volumes.