Before Nicea - The Early Followers Of Prophet Jesus
Pages: 68
New Scarf Collection!
Before Nivea
Books came a bit late but no problem.
I wish that more people would read this book to understand tvat they are not following the teachings of Jesus.
As a Muslim, I have encountered this book many years after embracimg Islam. Having had Bible studies in secondary school already the Bible was not consistent. Human divinity and half god half man resounds of grecoroman religion. Even though western reaseachers themselves have pointed out the changes and innovations and lack of sources people do not think. However, when it comes to Renaisance sources they make sure that references are confined to their "western founders" and hide all the Muslim scholars that actually made the discoveries, mathematics, astronomy, engineering and the like.
Before Nicea presents itself to be well researched and fair and hopefully inspire hidayah (insha-Allah) in others.
Bernt David Brennan @ Mohammad Daud Abdullah